Aly Johnson

Hi everyone, I'm Aly!! This will be my 3rd year in speech and I’ve competed in extemp, oratory, and impromptu in both years I’ve been on the team and plan to continue to! I have had the honor of attending state, NIETOC, and NSDA nationals in my time on the team! I hope to help others find a love for this activity as I have and to help our team become a safe and welcoming environment. Speech is my favorite season of the year and I am so excited to continue spreading messages and hearing others!!

Ava Carlson

Hi friends, I’m Ava Carlson! I am a senior this year. This is my 6th and final year in speech! I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to have grown up through this activity. I love speech and continuously choose to come back! Speech has never failed to make me feel welcomed and accepted. In the past i’ve done the categories of drama, duo, poetry, and prose. I also have had the honor of competing at NIETOC and NSDA! This year I’m excited for all of the messages I will be able to hear from others! Here’s to the 23-24 season! 🗣️

Brandon Valladares

Hi, I'm Brandon! I’m a junior and I’ll be going into my fifth year of being on the Willmar speech team. I’ve competed in the categories of discussion, great speeches, and impromptu, and will be doing informative, original oratory, and program oral interpretation this season! I’ve also had the privilege to compete at the NIETOC tournament. I’m so excited to make new memories and share messages of the unheard. I look forward to building a strong connection with the whole team and having so much fun throughout the season in practice and tournaments.

James Rende

I’m James Rende and I’m a senior! This will be my sixth year on the Willmar speech team and second year as one of our captains. I’ve competed in Creative Expression, Duo, and humorous in my career on the team. This year I plan to take on three categories; prose, humor, and duo. I am greatful for all of the amazing tournaments I’ve competed in and I’m thankful for making it to state, NIETOC, and even the NSDA national tournament. I’m so stoked to make some amazing new memories for my final year on the speech team. I can’t wait to hear more messages and spread my words to all that I can!! My priority is making this team a welcoming and kind place for everyone involved. Senior speech season here I come!!